My journey to holistic health & nutrition began with a terminal cancer diagnosis.

It wasn’t my diagnosis but rather my husband’s. In 2019, at the age of forty-two, he was diagnosed with Glioblastoma brain cancer. A diagnosis that comes with a very poor prognosis.

I am a researcher so almost immediately I began researching ways to treat brain cancer. My research opened my eyes to a whole new world of medicine and healing. This new to me form of medicine had little to no side effects and sought out the root causes of cancer.

“I learned about holistic healing in devastating circumstances”

Because his cancer was so advanced, we began with conventional treatment right away with hopes to soon pursue holistic treatments as well. In my research, I learned how important nutrition is for healing, so we immediately began making changes to our diet which helped him tremendously with the side effects of his treatments.

After a few months and some setbacks with conventional treatment, we were ready to start adding in some holistic healing modalities. But then the pandemic hit and due to the lockdowns, our hopes to start implementing holistic treatments (or even continuing conventional treatments) were crushed and in July of 2020, we said goodbye to my wonderful husband. Just seventeen short months after his diagnosis. His death, along with my research fueled my passion even more for holistic healing.

This is where my healing journey began…

Seventeen months of caregiving and months of grieving took a toll on my body. I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in 2007 and the stress of my husband’s diagnosis and death sent me into a flare. This is where my healing journey began.

With all of the new knowledge I had from my research on cancer, I decided I wanted to pursue it even further so I decided to get certified as a Nutritional Health Coach. At the same time, I began seeing a functional medicine practitioner who helped me address my own health issues. For the first time since my diagnosis, my numbers started trending in the right direction. I was healing!

In the fall of 2022, I received my Coaching certification from the Institute of Transformational Nutrition with a cancer specialty. With my training using the Transformational Nutrition model, I focus on physical, mental, and spiritual healing. I believe it’s important to look at all aspects of healing as they are all interconnected. As I started working with clients, I decided I wanted to have even more tools in my tool belt to assist in their healing so in March of 2023, I became certified in functional blood chemistry. This functional blood chemistry certification allows me to order and review labs looking for red flags and clues that will help us address root causes.

My mission is to help you navigate the complexities of cancer and autoimmune diseases by providing holistic, personalized solutions that address the root causes and enhance your overall quality of life.

Are you ready to get started?